Saturday, August 31, 2019

Integration Of Technology Into The Classroom Effects Education Essay

The integrating of engineering into the schoolroom means a batch more than learning basic computing machine accomplishments and programming as it is in the course of study right now. Computer literacy and the IC3 programmes were added to the course of study of signifier 1 to organize 3 pupils to do them familiar with the computing machine as a tool. And with the debut of National Exams at signifier 3 degree ICT has become one of the four nucleus topics that will be taken into history for rating intents together with English, French and Mathematics. Technology in instruction does non merely intend the usage of computing machines but besides the usage of a scope of other electronic devices every bit good as the cyberspace for the airing of cognition. Presents, pupils are coming to category with more accomplishments. Whether the instructor requires it or non, most pupils are utilizing engineering for communicating, acquisition, amusement etc, i.e. in about all domains of their life. They are the 1 who are maintaining path with the technological promotion. As for instructors, even if it is hard to maintain up and accommodate to the promotion in both their personal and professional lives, they have a really of import function to play in the technological promotion. Since engineering can be a learning tool for the pupil every bit good as a instruction tool for the teacher. As good, the integrating of engineering in the schoolroom is a great manner to increase the pupil ‘s involvement in larning. This attack is more student-centred ; as they tend to work more together while they use computing machines for their day-to-day lessons. The dynamic and synergistic environment created by the usage of computing machines motivates the pupils as good they have a greater sense of control over what they can entree, read, comprehend and create. The reading accomplishments besides are being enhanced with the usage of electronic books coupled with pronunciation hyperlinks. The viva voce of their work utilizing any presentation tool or any other multimedia tool helps the unwritten enunciation of their thoughts. The cyberspace is an limitless resource that can be use to motivate and animate higher order believing accomplishments in the pupils. The above seems to be a bright image of what can be achieved if engineering is taken to the schoolroom ; nevertheless it should be taken into history that today ‘s pupils ‘ can be considered as the ‘Digital Natives ‘ as they are turning and are being brewed and nurtured in a technological rich environment, which represent a high order challenge for the ‘Digital Immigrants ‘ who are the instructors of today as they are being forced to follow a new attitude and to populate in this environment. This digital clang of civilization is one of the most of import barriers that need to be pull down for the integrating of ICT tools takes an of import portion in the airing of the content of the course of study. Besides the paradigm displacement of the manner the instructors themselves were taught and the new technique that they are being asked to utilize is a major alteration of civilization to which the instructors must be prepared to face and take up as a ch allenge. There are many factors that might impede the engineering integrating. They can be civilization alteration, preparation, motive, the clime, the support, the substructure, etc. Thus a thorough probe is needed to hold a image where the job stands. It has to be considered besides that the jobs can change from topographic points and schools. For this survey the job is limited to a individual school, found in a rural country. The aims set are besides precise and the survey will give a image of the integrating of ICT tools in that context merely. The survey will concentrate on three chief issues, which are: The handiness of the resources and installations for the integrating to take topographic point. The grade of serviceability of those installations and the resources by the instructors And in conclusion the barriers that might impede the Integration of Technology in learning. These issues are considered as the footing on which programs for the integrating of engineering can be built up so as to maximize the on the installations and resources and to cut down the barriers to a lower limit.1.2 Research rubricComputers have become the most sought after, electronic devices in both places and schools. They have captured the involvement of everyone and many parents believe they will better their kids ‘s opportunities for success in school and in life. Computers connected to communication webs supply convenient entree to huge sums of informations from basically any field of survey. The thought of computing machine engineering dramatically changed the nature of schooling. It merely will non be possible for schools to defy the increasing influence of computing machine engineering in our society. The market place will turn progressively repetitive that schools prepare pupils to be the workers and consumers of a networked society. Technology is recognised presents in schools as an instructional tool instead than a topic of direction. Still many pedagogues are less familiar and less comfy with engineering than their pupil and are besides fighting to seamlessly incorporate a turning list of engineering tools in their regular course of study. And such to hold a bird's-eye image of the state of affairs, this survey focuses on a private secondary college in the southern portion of Mauritius and is titled asEducational Technology Integration:Accessibility, Use and Barriers in Teaching ;A instance survey, in a rural private college.1.3 Aims of ResearchThe research was conducted to with the purpose of positioning the pedagogues of the establishment as to the quality of their bringing of the content in category. It is without bias that it can be said that the quality of learning additions with the quality of bringing of the content every bit good as the manner the information is presented to be digested by the pupils. Educational engineerings are on top of the list of the instruction AIDSs that can be used to heighten the quality of learning. Thus to be able to project bird ‘s oculus position of where the pedagogues of the establishment base in the usage of educational engineerings in their category, it was imperative to direct the survey from the three countries so that the terminal consequence converge to the placement of educational engineerings in the establishment. The chief aims are: ( a ) Handiness: exposure to organic structure of Knowledge Are the instructors adequately exposed to installations and resources to incorporate ICT in their instruction? Do instructors have the right ICT accomplishments to incorporate ICT in their instruction? ( B ) Use: application of organic structure of cognition to subject What is the incursion quantum of ICT in learning? ( degree Celsius ) Barriers: Restriction to application of organic structure of cognition to subject What teachers perceive as barriers to the integrating of ICT into their instruction?1.4 Background of the SchoolKeats College, a private secondary school registered with the PSSA, named after the great English poet John Keats started its operation 1964 at Chemin-Grenier, a little small town in the South of the island. It started with population of 35 pupils and 5 instructors. The Driving doctrine of the establishment reflects its slogan: â€Å" Virtute et Industria † which means â€Å" bravery and difficult work † . The school has nowadays become the prima college, in footings of pupil capacity, and academic consequences of that portion of the island. It caters for some 2000 pupils and 170 members of learning and non-teaching staff housed in two separate blocks for the Boys ‘ and Girls ‘ sections. The college has a passing rate of 83.3 % at the Cambridge HSC exams in 2009. Based on the statistics of the last three old ages the college has positioned itself with non less than 13 pupils classified as Best campaigners at Cambridge SC tests and 6 pupils classified as Best campaigners at Cambridge HSC test. Keats College meets all the favorable conditions for the blooming of the pupils on the academic degree, human and citizenship values every bit good as in athleticss. Accomplishments are synonymous to difficult work done with bravery to achieve the set aims through a choice civilization. As any other educational establishment, Keats College is has a hierarchically organized construction split in to two Management Levels. The Top Management consists of the Manager, the Rector and two Deputy Rectors. The Middle Management squad consists of the Head of sections and the Section Leaderships who reports to the curate but is supervised by the Deputy Rectors. The Educators do describe to their several HoD ‘s as per the topic they are learning ; nevertheless some of them are assigned the duty of being Form Teacher as such they are responsible for their several categories and do describe for the same to the Section Leaders. As for the Non-Teaching Staff, they report to the Manager but are headed by the College Clerk. They are the support squad to the College and are divided into different groups which are the Office Clerks and Secretaries, the Attendants and the Auxiliary staff. The pupils ‘ council and the athleticss ‘ council of the school have elected members from each category. The category captains and their frailty organize the College Student Council ; every bit good each category has their athleticss captains who are grouped together for the athleticss council. Besides pupils can be portion of the different nines which are in operation in the college ; they are the National Award Achievement Teams, Civic Action Teams, The ‘we R one ‘ Quire, the First Aid Team, the KC Music Band etc. As for the substructure Keats College is dotted with many athleticss installations such as a Tennis tribunal, some 13 Volley Ball pitch, a Basket Ball pitch, 2 Badminton Courts, a Gymnasium, 10 Table Tennis, a mini Football Pitch etc. As good for the Academic Development there are some 4 Libraries, 2 Physics Labs, 2 Chemistry labs, 2 Biology Labs, 2 Computer labs, 2 CDT labs, 1 Agriculture Lab, 2 Junior labs, 4 Audio Visual Rooms, 2 Food and nutrition Labs, etcaˆÂ ¦ it can be noted that all these installations are graded as ‘Grade A ‘ comfortss by the PSSA.

Friday, August 30, 2019

Recomendation of an English Teacher

ENGLISH LANGUAGE AND036 ADVANCED PLA CEMENT COMPOSITION 5 CREDITS GRADE 11 Prerequisites: Recommendation of an English teacher and a timed writing sample. Upon commitment to the course, students will complete an intensive summer AP preparation project. It is mandatory to take the AP Language and Composition Examination when it is offered in order to receive AP course credit for work done during this academic year.Students who do not take the AP examination will receive level 1 credit. This course takes the place of a regularly scheduled grade 11 English course. The following is a portion of the official course description for English Language and Composition effective 2010, found in the Acorn Booklet and on the AP Central Website [http://apcentral. collegeboard. com/apc/public/repository/ap-english-course-description. pdf]:An AP course in English Language and Composition engages students in becoming skilled readers of prose written in a variety of rhetorical contexts, and in becoming skilled writers who compose for a variety of purposes. Both their writing and their reading should make students aware of the interactions among a writer’s purposes, audience expectations, and subjects, as well as the way genre conventions and the resources of language contribute to effectiveness in writing.The goals of an AP English Language and Composition course are diverse because the college composition course is one of the most varied in the curriculum. Although the college course provides students with opportunities to write about a variety of subjects from a variety of disciplines and to demonstrate an awareness of audience and purpose, the overarching objective in most first-year writing courses is to enable students to write effectively and confidently in their college courses across the curriculum and in their professional and personal lives.Most composition courses emphasize the expository, analytical and argumentative writing that forms the basis of academic and professional communication, as well as the personal and reflective writing that fosters the development of writing facility in any context. In addition, most composition courses teach students that the expository, analytical and argumentative writing they must do in college is based on reading as well as on personal experience and observation.Composition courses, therefore, teach students to read primary and secondary sources carefully, to synthesize material from these texts in their own compositions, and to cite sources using conventions recommended by professional organizations such as the Modern Language Association (MLA), the University of Chicago Press (The Chicago Manual of Style), the American Psychological Association (APA) and the Council of Biology Editors (CBE).As in the college course, the purpose of the AP English Language and Composition course is to enable students to read complex texts with understanding and to write prose of sufficient richness and complexity to c ommunicate effectively with mature readers. An AP English Language and Composition course should help students move beyond such programmatic responses as the five-paragraph essay that provides an introduction with a thesis and three reasons, body paragraphs on each reason, and a conclusion that restates the thesis.Although such formulaic approaches may provide minimal organization, they often encourage unnecessary repetition and fail to engage the reader. Students should be encouraged to place their emphasis on content, purpose and audience and to allow this focus to guide the organization of their writing, (The College Board, p. 7). Textbooks: Texts will be supplied by AHS. Shea, Renee H. , Lawrence Scanlon, and Robin Dissin Aufses. The Language of Composition. Bedford/ St. Martin’s, Boston, 2008. Marking Period |Part One |Part Two | |Quarter One |Orwell, G. Animal Farm (1946) |Salinger, J. D. Catcher in the Rye (1946) | | |Thoreau, H. D. Civil Disobedience (1849) |Thoreau , H. D. Where I Lived, and What I Lived For† (1854) | |Quarter Two |Steinbeck, J. Winter of Our Discontent (1961) |Miller, A. The Crucible (1952) | | | |Hawthorne, N. The Scarlet Letter (1850) | |Quarter Three |Shelly, M. Frankenstein (1831) |Fitzgerald, F.S. Great Gatsby | | |Huxley, A. Brave New World (1932) |Selected Memoirs | |Quarter Four |Student Speeches |Student Speeches |On-line materials: Students will read newspaper and magazine features regularly to apply course concepts in discussion, reader’s log, and writing assignments. Since all columns are available free on line, school will provide access to materials on computers in the school library, computer labs and classrooms during and after school. The sites include: On-line materials will be |Feature/Column |URL |Purpose and Practice | |discussed weekly, | | | | |on Tuesday, | | | | |using notes and/or print | | | | |copies | | | | | |The Writer’s Almanac |www. thewritersalmanac. publicradio. org |Develop writerly knowledge base | | |Headlinespot |www. headlinespot. om |State news | | |A Word a Day |www. wordsmith. org/awad/ |Vocabulary and etymology | | |Daily Infographic |www. dailyinfographic. com |Analysis of complex graphics | Grading policy: Grades will be determined by on-demand & multiple draft compositions, blog entries, teacher observations, and student self-evaluations. Rubrics and scoring guides are posted on the teacher webpage. Academic Topics and Expectations = 90% |Performance Topics | | |and Expectations = 10% | |Terminology |Appropriate use of literary terms in analytical writing |Preparation for class performance | |Thesis |Precise identification of thesis in reading/ |Participation in class activities | | |Logical development of thesis in writing | | |Detail |Location of essential detail in reading/ Prompt submission of homework | | |Inclusion of organization of essential detail in writing | | |Style |Recognition and explication of writers’ choices |Cooperation in group work | | |Making effective choices as a writer | | |Response |Efficient, explicit and insightful response to all writing prompts |Sustained writing improvement | |to Prompt | | | |Grammar |Consistent application of rules for punctuation, spelling, syntax and usage. Sophistication of spoken vocabulary | |Mechanics | | | |Revision |Aggressive and responsible approach to improvement of writing over multiple drafts and within on-demand tasks |Sophistication of written vocabulary | |Editing | | | ? Regularly save all word-processed work to a CD or flash drive and student account on the network. ? Multiple draft compositions may be submitted via email attachment. ? Multiple draft compositions may be scored using track changes, archived and returned to the student. Timed writing will be kept in a classroom folder as source material for reflective evaluation each marking period. ? Classes will be conducted according to the policies in English Departm ent Handbook and the Student Handbook; both are available on the network. Suggested Materials: Students will bring notes, handouts, and texts distributed within a marking period as well as note-taking materials. Assignment Posting: Assignments and handouts will be posted on the teacher webpage and/or the class blog. Writing Opportunities: Students’ Write to Be Heard, Voice of Democracy, Kids’ Philosophy Slam, Letters about Literature, Greenwave Gazette, Student Arts Magazine, Very Open Mic Nights, and Wordmaster’s competition will be announced during the academic year. AP Language |Assignment |Purpose |Summer tasks |School Year Tasks |Point Value | |Summer Projects | | | | | | |[pic] |Sign up for a Gmail account. |Promote communication |Check your email at least once a |Email assignments via |None—having the email is | | |Address should be a combination of first initial, last | |week for updates |attachment |necessary for participating in| | |name and AP | | | |the class blog. |[pic] |Subscribe to |Develop vocabulary |Select the best word week of the |Bring your essay to the first | | | |Wordsmith. org/awad/subscribe. html | |summer. Write a brief expository |class. |Pass/ Fail: 100 Pts. | | | | |essay using those words. |Please word process and save |Participation | | | | | |your document | | |[pic] |Visit headlinespot. om and follow the news of your |Develop an American perspective|Browse the state’s news and learn|Post to the class blog sharing | | | |assigned state through its news publications. |other than Abington, MA |what is important to people who |your sense of what is important|Pass/Fail: 100 Pts. | | | | |live there. |in this state. |Participation | | |Email Dr. G. your state ASAP! | | | | | | |See Randy Pausch’s lecture, â€Å"Realizing My Childhood |Be inspired! Write a first draft of your first|Bring your lecture to the first|Pass/Fail: 100 Pts. | |[pic] |Dreams† also called â€Å"The Last Lectur e. † |Then, use his lecture as a |lecture, to be edited all year |class. |Participation | | | |model for your first lecture |long, and delivered as your final|Please word process and save |Revised in Sept. for a writing| | | | |exam. |your document at home. grade | | | | | | |MCAS | | | | | | |Rubric: 100 pts. | |[pic] |Begin a reader’s log or response journal |Practice interacting with a |As often as you read, respond. |Bring to first class. |Pass/Fail: 100 points | | |text | |Use on in-class writing |Participation | | | | | |assessments. | | |[pic] |Read The Dark Tide (Puleo) |Read non-fiction as an |Look up new words. |Consider: |In class writing during the | | | |argument. |Post on the class blog. |Should anyone be held |first marking period. | | | |Use reader’s log. | |accountable when accidents |AP Rubric:100 pts. | | | | |happen? | | |[pic] |Read Flyboys (Bradley) |Read non-fiction as an |Look up new words. |Consider: |In class discussion and | | | |argum ent. |Post on the class blog. |How is keeping secrets |writing during the first | | | |Use reader’s log. | |justified during war time? |marking period. | | | | | |AP Rubric:100 pts. | Typical Day: The usual class period is 47 minutes long. Usage of class time may vary, but most often follows these sections: |1-8 minutes |Writers’ Almanac, Word of the Day, Daily Infographic | | |Individual review and preparation of notes, readings or assignments for class and/or | | |Small group review of notes, readings, topics for discussion or assignments. |9-42 minutes |Lectures, individual practice, small group work, discussion, or Q&A to process readings or practice skill application. | | |Peer editing and revision may occur here. This section expanded for all on-demand writing practice. | |43-47 minutes |Summarizing class, homework announcements: teacher webpage and/or class blog. | | |Be the Change Daily Challenge or AWAD Thought of the Day | Typical Week: Although our schedul e may flex around holidays and special school events, the typical weekly plan is: |Monday |Review, in-class writing, on demand writing, peer review, teacher conferencing, in class editing & revision. |Tuesday |On-line feature discussion days, focused on topics closest to instructional topics OR most provocative topics. | |Wednesday |Text reading due date, introduction to new topics, processing readings in small groups or through lecture Q&A. | |Thursday |Practice and processing texts or reading in whole class, small group jigsaw or independent exercises. | |Friday |Continued practice and processing, discussions, presentations of individual or group work to class. | Typical Marking Period: Academic year is divided into 4 quarters, each halfway point marked by a formal report: Quarter, Part One |Quarter, Part Two | |Argument /Language topic |Language/ Argument topic | |Literature connection, model analysis |Researched Argument or Multi-Draft Essay | |Synthesizing weekly news/magazi ne features |Synthesizing weekly news/magazine features | |Researched Argument or Multi-draft Essay, directed revision activities |On Demand Writing/ Multiple Choice practice | |On Demand Writing/Multiple Choice practice |Final Speech revision | |Self evaluation, class participation |Self evaluation, writing portfolio | |Progress report |Report card | Exams: Midterm and final exams will be given and are 90 minutes in length. |Midterm Exam |Final exam | |Exam practice; one multiple-choice section and two essays given in an AP format. Grade will be a |Presentation of speeches written for summer reading assignment and revised during the course of the year. |combination of scores weighted similarly to the AP exam. |Grade will represent revision of the text of the speech as well as delivery. | Quarter One, Part One: Reading to appreciate writers’ choices: Genre, organization, and diction |Concept/Skill |Content |Practice |Assignment/Assessment | |How can we use Language of Composition to |Shea et al. |Independent reading |Summer Reading Assessments listed on table, p. 4 | |approach to reading and writing? |Ch. An Introduction to Rhetoric |Small group discussion |syllabus | | | |Applying summer reading and readers’ logs in discussion | | | |Rhetorical Model |Note-taking templates |And | | |Ethos, Pathos, and Logos |SOAP Acronym |Timed Writing Baseline Samples | | |Patterns of Development | | | |Assign Orwell, â€Å"Politics and the English Language† ( 529-538) and Thoreau, â€Å" On the Duty of Civil Disobedience†(939-956) | |How do readers and writers use a common |Shea et al. |Shea et al. |Word Study Presentation | |vocabulary? |Ch. 2 Close reading |Orwell (539-40) |Individual/Group Options | | |Style |Questions for Discussion |Each selects a word from a passage or a favorite | |What does it mean to appreciate â€Å"word choice†? Note Taking& Annotation |Questions on Rhetoric & Style |word; | | |Glossary |Thoreau (9 56) |Identify related forms and synonyms; | |How can a writer use denotation and connotation |Orwell, â€Å"Politics and the English Language,† |Exploring the Text |Explain denotation, etymology and connotation. | |to communicate clearly? |(529-538) |Exploration of language resources. | | |Thoreau, â€Å" On the Duty of Civil Disobedience,† |Tone Vocabulary Handout | | | |(939-56) | | | | | | | | |Assign Orwell, Animal Farm | |How does synthesizing various viewpoints bring |Shea et al. |Analysis of point of view/bias in |Multi-draft synthesis essay/ teacher conference | |us to a personal statement about an issue? |Ch. Synthesizing Sources |Katrina Op-Eds: NYT 2007 | | | |Ch. 1Princess Diana, 28-34 | |How should we respond to communities who suffer | | | |Rice, A. â€Å"What it means to lose New Orleans† |disasters? | | |Puleo, The Dark Tide |Geraghty, J. â€Å"We failed you? Try again. | | | |Bradley, Flyboys |Sebold, A. â€Å"Living with the Dead† | | | | | | | | | |Timed Writing Item : Synthesis Based Question | | |How is a speech different from other texts? |Lunsford et al. Analysis of text for evidence of subject, occasion, audience, |Speech Revision | | |Ch. 17 Spoken Arguments |purpose and elements of oratory and signal Words | | | |Speeches from Summer reading |Compare and contrast written and spoken texts. |Include specific oratorical strategies in your | | |Speeches by Dr. Randy Pausch | |speech. | | |Lou Gehrig and Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. | | Quarter One, Part Two: Reading between the lines (and into pictures) for implicit theses |Concept/Skill |Content |Practice |Assignment/Assessment | |How does satire work as a strategy in social |New Yorker â€Å"Shouts and Murmurs† essays |Discuss satire as a strategy, distinguishing distortion of |Timed Writing Practice | |commentary? |Shea et al. 924-920) |message, importance of tone | | | |Swift, â€Å"The Modest Proposal† |Swift (920-1) |Analysi s of rhetorical strategies in satirical | | |Questions for Discussion |Analyze for subject, occasion, audience, purpose, style and |writing | | |Questions on Rhetoric & Style |tone | | | | |SOAPSTONE | | |How does a reader decode allegory? |Orwell, G. Animal Farm |Discuss representation in allegory, examining use of indirect |Creative Writing: Group option | | |Twain War Prayer |appeal. |Select an issue or event of personal, local, national| | | |Review language of political systems. |or global importance. | | |View Animal Farm (TV 1999) |â€Å"Shouts and Murmurs† essay | | | | |Satirical editorial or | | | | |Allegory | |Assign Salinger, The Catcher in the Rye; Thoreau, Where ILived, and What I Lived For | |How can we describe a speaker by analyzing |Salinger, The Catcher in the Rye |Analysis of diction for effect in creating character and voice,|Multi-draft essay/ peer edit | |language patterns? | |especially, age, education, income, geographical location and |Identif y the language pattern of Holden Caulfield; | | |Student selected passages from first person |tone |compare and contrast with the language of another | | |young adult short stories and novels | |literary character. | | |Review of model student papers |Option: Write chapter 27 or an â€Å"inter-chapter† in | | | | |Holden’s voice | |How can a visual become an argument? |Shea et al. (49-50) |Find 3-5 editorial cartoons on one subject OR ads on a product,|Speech Revision: | |How can a visual assist or confuse the reader of|Reading at Risk (147-9) |service or message; |Create a visual illustration or summary of your | |an argument? |Visual Rhetoric (891-893) |Compare and contrast how artists portray ideas. |argument. | | |Editorial Cartoons from Headlinespot. om |Discuss how a visual assists or confuses the reader of an | | | |Print advertising |argument. | | | |Daily Infographic | | | |Assign King, â€Å"Letter from Birmingham Jail† (260-274) and Assign Hawtho rne, The Scarlet Letter | |How does a writer explain the belief that |Shea et al. |Close reading and annotation |Timed Writing Practice | |motivates action? Thoreau, â€Å"Where I Lived†¦Ã¢â‚¬  |Analyze anticipation of criticism and concession |Excerpt (Swift, Orwell, Thoreau or MLK) | | |MLK â€Å"Letter from Birmingham Jail† |Focus on SOAPSTONE |Defend/Challenge /Qualify | Quarter Two, Part One: Exploring issues of academic and personal integrity |Concept/Skill |Content |Practice |Assignment/Assessment | |How do readers recognize stereotypes? |Shea et al. Discuss stereotypes of gender, language or culture in the |Mock Trial | | |Readings will be selected from one of the |media: in television: reality shows, sitcoms, and crime shows |Discuss claims made by the author about characters | |How do writers employ stereotypes? |following chapters: |Select a single media segment and identify its dependence on |and claims characters make about each other. | |How does a read er evaluate the judgment of the |Ch. 7 Gender (347) |stereotypes or rebellion against stereotypes by showing a |Which character in Scarlet Letter is the greatest | |community? |Ch. Language (507) |clip(s), OR |sinner? | | |Ch. 11 Popular Culture (707) |Select a stereotype and present clips from multiple media |Hester, Dimmesdale, Chillingworth or the community | | | |outlets | | |Assign Steinbeck, Winter of Our Discontent | |To Wikipedia or Not . . . that is the Question. |Shea et al. |In groups, select a topic. One Draft/ self-edit | | |Ch. 3 Synthesizing Sources (61) |Compare and contrast all features of Wikipedia and other |Use what you know about assessing and using sources | | |Ch. 6 Synthesis: Incorporating sources into a |available sources. |to develop a personal statement about Wikipedia | | |revision (335) | |usage. | | |www. wikipedia. rg | | | |How does a reader use citations to understand a |Lunsford et al. |Review the necessity of crediting completely all sources b y |One Draft/ In class | |text? |Ch. 20 Intellectual Property, Academic |using a citation system: MLA, APA, Chicago, etc. |Select an actual or literary dilemma involving | |How does a writer document sources [MLA, APA, |Integrity, and Avoiding Plagiarism; |Discuss academic integrity issues in our school and the Code of|academic or personal integrity. |Chicago] ? |Ch. 22 Documenting Sources; |Conduct policy. |Explore the options for action. | |How does a community of readers and writers |Gibson Primetime report: Cheating in America's |Research a scandal involving cheating, plagiarism or other |Compare and contrast your response with that of the | |preserve academic integrity and protect |schools (2004); |academic integrity issues. |actor in the situation | |intellectual property? |Steinbeck, J. Winter of Our Discontent |Evaluate integrity and plagiarism issues in Steinbeck’s novel. | | | | |SPEECH REVISION: | | | | |Evaluate and document all sources in your speech or | | | | |visuals. |Assign Miller, The Crucible | |How does a reviewer persuade the reader to see |Film Review Archive |Analyze of reviews to identify New Yorker film reviews as a |Multi-draft essay/ peer edit | |(or avoid) a film? |New Yorker On-Line |genre. |Read several reviews of The Crucible (1996). | | |Critics Corner |Distinguish between the styles Denby and Lane reviews, esp. |Review The Crucible. | | | |diction and syntax. Employ strategies and style to persuade an audience | | | | |to accept or reject your judgment of the film. | | | |View The Crucible (1996) | | Quarter Two, Part Two: Where science and argument intersect (at logos, pathos and ethos) |Concept/Skill |Content |Practice |Assignment/Assessment | |How does a reader identify and understand Logos |Shea et al. Review newspapers for features and editorials in science. |Multi-draft/peer edit | |in science and technology writing? |Huxley The Method of Scientific investigation ( |How do various cities and states respond t o a science issue? |Identify science issues in your state. | | |609) |Review logical appeals and fallacies. |Compare and contrast the state view on a science | |How does a writer employ appeals to Logos? |Pinker The Blank Slate (630) | |issue with your view and the national view. | |Sagan The Cosmic Calendar (671) | | | | |Gould Women’s Brains (349) | | | |Assign Shelley, Frankenstein | |How does a reader identify and understand |Shea et al. |Analysis of slogans, public service announcement [PSAs], sales |Ad analysis | |appeals to Pathos in science and technology |Eiseley The Bird and the Machine (601) |pitches and maxims |Contribute a full-page to the classroom Gallery of | |writing? |Bronoski The Reach of Imagination (616) | |Emotional Appeals. | |How does a writer employ appeals to Pathos? Csikszentmihalyi The Future of Happiness (623) | |Identify the elements of the appeal. | |How does a reader identify and understand |Shea et al. |Examination of the thesis as a ca ll to action, whether implicit|Speech Writing: The Introduction | |appeals to Ethos in science and technology |Royte Transsexual Frogs (655) |or explicit. |Read a science article on a controversy or debate. | |writing? |Carson from Silent Spring (798) |Discussion: What should we do as a result of reading science |Write an introduction for the advocate of a | |How does a writer employ appeals to Ethos? |Various, Focus on Climate Change (862) |writing? particular point of view that prepares an audience | |Assign Huxley, Brave New World | |How does a reader identify and understand |Shea et al. |Investigate the current status of genetic technology |On Demand Writing Practice | |complex appeals in science writing? |Various, The Ethics of Genetic Technology (678) | |Synthesis based science question | |How does a writer employ complex appeals in | |Note how science writers are introduced in texts | | |science? | | | | | | |SPEECH REVISION | | | | |Fact check your speech | | | | |Wri te an introduction: classmate. |How do science fiction writers employ complex |Shelley Frankenstein |Identify theme and supporting appeals in a science fiction |Multi-draft/teacher conference | |appeals to persuade an audience to think, feel, |Huxley Brave New World |film, TV, short story or novel. |Science (dystopic) Fiction | |or act? |Bradbury Fahrenheit 451 |Focus on predictions and projections. |Review an imaginative text and its success as an | | |Aldiss â€Å"Super-toys Last All Summer Long† (665) |Discuss impact on audience. |appeal on an issue. | |Vonnegut â€Å"Harrison Bergeron† | |Support with evidence from text and context. | Quarter Three, Part One: Defining roles and responsibilities in the world of work |Concept/Skill |Content |Practice |Assignment/Assessment | |How do writers use language to define work and |Ehrenreich From Serving in Florida (179) |Investigate current and future job trends. One Draft/self-edit | |careers? |Dillard The Writing Life ( 212) |Read newspapers for employment trends in your state. |Describe your dream job. | | |Friedman, From The World is Flat |Discuss the words of work: career, vocation, job, retail, |Visit Bureau of Labor Statistics for Job descriptions| | |Terkel, From Working |profession, minimum wage, salary, commission, union, resume, |and requirements. | | | |class etc. Visit job listings in print and on-line. | | | | | | |Assign Miller, Death of a Salesman | |What is the purpose of work? |Goodman, In Praise of a Snail’s Pace (221) |What obligation does one have to provide for oneself and one’s |On Demand Writing | |How does work define a person? |Olsen I Stand Here Ironing (224) |family? Goodman, â€Å"Company Man† | | |Auden,â€Å"The Unknown Citizen† | | | | |Conversations: Focus on Working Parents (235) | | | | | | |Editorial/ One draft | | | | |Should one parent stay at home to be the primary | | | | |caregiver for children? | |Assign Fitzgerald, The G reat Gatsby | |How do writers employ complex appeals to |Minimum wage |Read newspapers for positions on workplace issues in your |Panel Discussion | |advocate for workers and/or employers? Workplace safety |states. |As a group, identify an American workplace issue. | | |Gender equity |Discuss the role of the government in the workplace. |Describe the range of positions on this issue. | |How do writers define the role of the government|Illegal/Undocumented workers |In your state, how many people are employed by the government? |Should the government intervene? If so, how? If not, | |in the workplace? | | |why not? | | | |Present to the class. | | |Fitzgerald, The Great Gatsby |Discuss class conflict and work as a way to move between and |Multi-draft/ peer edit | |How do writers define social class? |Miller Death of a Salesman |among classes. |Select a literary text that deals with class | |How do writers portray class conflict? | | |conflict. | |Miller Tragedy and the Common Man | |Identify the author’s attitude toward work or social | | | | |class as the defining element of identity. | | |Steinbeck, Winter of Our Discontent | |Support with evidence from the text and context. | | | | | |Quarter Three, Part Two: Becoming an advocate for schools and self |Concept/Skill |Content |Practice |Assignment/Assessment | |How do writers define education and the role of |Shea et al. |Learn what a mission statement is |One Draft | |schools in our society or community? |Emerson, From Education (103) | |Select a school and locate its mission statement. | | Baldwin, A Talk to Teachers (123) |Visit websites |Analyze the language for what it reveals about the | | |Mori, School (130) |The Common Core |attitude of the institution toward its students, | | | |US Dept. of Education |employees, families and community. | | | |MA Dept.Of Education | | | | |Our School Mission | | | | |College Mission Statement | | |How do writers employ complex appeals to |Shea et al. |In your states, identify issues in education. On Demand writing/SBQ | |advocate for stakeholders in school |Conversations: |In particular, look for graduation rates, drop-out rates, |What is the role of the public school in American | |communities–students, families, teachers and |Focus on the American High School (150) |bullying, standardized testing, English Language Learning, |society? | |communities? | | | | | | | |What is the responsibility of a community to its | |How do writers define the role of the government| | |public schools? | |in schools? | | | | | | |What is the future of public education in America? | |How does writing identify one as a candidate |College essays |Visit college websites |Multi-draft | |worthy of admission to college? | |Locate college applications, including the common application. |Write a college essay. |How does one employ rhetorical strategies in a | |Discuss the role of writer as significant to college | | |college essay? | |appl ication. | | | | |Analyze the college essay prompts; what do they have in common? | | |How does a speechwriter use claims and evidence |Presidential speeches on education |Analyze education speeches for claims and evidence |SPEECH REVISION | |to advocate effectively for public education? Commencement addresses |Focus on subject, occasion, audience, purpose and tone |Multi-draft synthesis essay/ teacher conference: | | |Convocation speeches | |Revise speech to make clear claims supported by | | |Convention speeches from professional education | |evidence. | | |conferences | |Identify the connection of your topic to formal or | | |College Board 2010 | |informal education. |Quarter Four, Part One: Presenting an argument personally |Concept/Skill |Content |Practice |Assignment/Assessment | |How does a writer explore and develop an |Shea et al. |Discuss the concerns of the communities to which|Panel discussion | |informed position on issues of local, national |Hedges From The Dest ruction of Culture (922) |you belong. |Form groups based on common community concerns. | |and international importance? Goldsmith National Prejudices (933) |How are they similar to and different from other|Identify the most pressing concerns of that community. | | |Woolf Thoughts on Peace in an Air Raid (935) |communities |State your group’s position on those issues. | | |Picasso Guernica (975) | |Present to the class. | |Assign memoir, blog or collection of personal essays | |How does a writer make and present a proposal |Lunsford et al. Brainstorm proposals for action within the |Multi-draft essay/ teacher conference | |for a community? |Ch. 12 Making a Proposal |school community. |As an individual or group, write a proposal for some aspect of the | | |Previous action research proposals | |school community. | | | |Research what other school communities have done| | | | |to address similar issues. |Develop an action plan. | | | | | | | | |Select or develop a feedback form | |Why does a writer choose the personal essay over|Lives essays, NYT archive |Identify personal essays / memoir as genres. |On Demand Practice | |the expository essay? |In podcast format: |Discuss how memoir can function as argument. |Alexander, M. â€Å"Fault Lines | |How can a writer use personal experience |NPR, This American Life |Analyze the implied argument in individual |Mairs, N. â€Å" On Being a Cripple† | |persuasively? | |experience. | | | |SOAPSTONE | | | | | |Multi-draft essay/self-edit | | | | |Write a Lives Essay or record a segment in the format of This | | | | |American Life | |Assign search for video/transcript of speeches | |How does a writer educate an audience through |Kingston Woman Warrior |Analyze the implied argument in the individual |Multi-draft essay/peer edit | |memoir? |Mathabane Kaffir Boy |experience |Read and analyze a memoir or collection of personal essays. | |How can a reader gain perspective on an issue |Angelou, I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings |Explore issues of immigration, bilingualism, |Respond to the text as an argument, evaluating its claims and taking| |through memoir? |Wiesel Night |feminism, apartheid, poverty, abuse of power |a position on one of its issues. | |Various memoirs such as | | | | |McCourt, Angela’s Ashes | | | | |MacDonald, All Souls | | | | |Beah, A Long Way Home | | | Quarter Four, Part Two: Presenting an argument to the community Concept/Skill |Content |Practice |Assignment/Assessment | |How does a writer prepare for a presentation? |Final Exam Speeches |Discussion of speeches for performance |SPEECH REVISION | | | |strategies |Dress rehearsal for your final speech. | | |Video of famous speeches |Practice use of various visuals: handouts, |Incorporate required visuals. | |(to be determined) |charts, overheads, PowerPoints, props and |Develop a feedback form for your audience. | | | |gestures. |Revise speech by incorporating peer and teacher feedback. | | | |SOAPSTONE | | | | |Review evaluative rubrics for feedback. | | | | |Multiple drafts/self-edit: | | |

Thursday, August 29, 2019

The education implementation in Singapore

The authorities has made the fantastic growing in instruction by making many authorities aided and private establishment for universe broad instruction. Compulsory Educations ( CE ) for all childrens who are above the age four. This pays manner for quality instruction for Singapore. The Singapore authorities accepted CE in 1999.Apart from instruction the schools provide different curricular activities for the extra accomplishments. The cosmopolitan instructions to primary and secondary degrees. CE looked important and value for Singapore circumstance. Among 45, Singapore ranked 4th in instruction system ( Progress in international reading literacy survey, 2006 ) . MOE has made enormous procedure in instruction system. The Singapore instruction is most secured state for choice instruction around the universe, the authorities ( MOE ) has introduced many new structured for instruction system and got strong repute. In 2010 the one-year budget for instruction $ 9.7 billion, over 350 schools in primary, secondary and station secondary instruction. For quality educational system Singapore has been ranked 1st.The planetary partnership with the coaction of universities from worldwide are accepted by MOE. Singapore known for universes best executing school system.The instruction system in Singapore ‘s are adopted by the MOE that leads to the Singapore to universe category instruction. ( MOE ) The vigorous third instruction will pull international pupils to obtain occupations and wealth. Top institutes like NUS and NTU has founded effectual in regional repute ( eg ; NUS was rated as one of top 5 multi disciplinary university in Asia.This two establishment has the capableness of pulling the international pupils from abroad. This indicates the large pool universities which might increase Singapore part for international pupils market. Even so the attract of full fee giving international pupils entirely in the undergraduate and professional graduate student status ( eg: MBA Programmers ) merely non in research oriented postgraduate programmes. The universe category universities that could keep recession for featuring out universe category R & A ; D, this aid in branding Singapore corresponds a Chancellor of the Exchequer instruction hub. The present universities NUS, NTU and SMU these are the cardinal university subdivision, which creates Singapore ‘s regular endowment line for regional schools and offering good international instruction. The organisation of recent educational establishment and companies has given 22,000 new occupations, in this 13,000 aspires learning related and 9,000 aspires administrative, managerial. The investing in instruction of Singapore curves set up with old ages of schooling, with return to third instruction largely higher than non third instruction. The architecture of Singapore ‘s economic system builds high value to knowledge activities. The private returns to education scopes of 6-10 % . Proposed norm of private rate to return higher instruction ( higher than secondary ) is doubled the rate.19 % to private on versus 11 % for societal rate return in higher instruction. Polytechnic instruction has accomplished rate of return than secondary instruction, the rate of return to third instruction ( polytechnic and universities ) ciphering clip series information declined for past 2o old ages. Third instruction for completed universities degree increases the pay rate by 18 % over all that is diploma and above. The rates of return university arose in 2004 while comparing 2001 except postgraduate degree. The rate of return in station alumnus pupil at maestro degree has ris en varies from 19.5 % in 2001 to 23.1 % in 2004.Doctorate degree increased for first grade and Masterss degree. The return university has increased loosely in 2004 compared to 2001.Singapore Standard educational categorization ( SSEC ) , 2000.In engineering school and university degree they achieved award in highest reserve. By the CPE ( Council for private instruction ) has regulated the private instruction sectors gifted with legislative power. The local private instruction industry helps the capacity for development. The CPE made a function in developing private instruction industries, the attack of holistic addition the overall quality for private instruction participants. Among private instruction establishment the industrial leaders and associations has created strong civilization duty. In Dec 2009 private instruction act was visualized to registration model for the overseas of private instruction sectors. The sure and good regarded private instruction sector, the rise of pupil public assistance services has made private instruction sectors increases for the international pupils. The ICPE ( Integrity, Care, Professionalism and Excellence ) this should be undertaken by staffs in CPE for the overall development of pupils. The council has developed two strategies as ERF ( Enhanced Registration Framewo rk ) and choice confidence strategy known as EduTrust.The ERF strategy undertakes the private instruction establishment supplying classs in grade and sheepskin as full clip for taking award enfranchisement, by fall ining MOE the private instruction establishment chief watercourse schools offering fulltime predatory courses.EduTrust strategy has mentioned quality in certification for the private instruction institution.The celebrated private instruction sectors have the international attached universities to the Singapore establishment. Education aims to work with industry leader and association to make a strong civilization for duty among private instruction establishments. International Students can hold good instruction quality.Cost competitory is just for pupils to acquire universe category instruction quality when comparing UK, USA and Australia.Asia pacific regional hub for third institutions.Inter cross civilization applicable for international pupils in language.Region for top states to international pupils particularly China and India.Place for safe instruction to pupils from different countries.Apart from instruction the extracurricular activities attracted more international pupils. The deficiency of quality in linguistic communication pronunciation by professors and teachers.Accommodation deficit is affordable.The private bureau quality is assurable for students.Student base on balls is complicated to private establishment and schools.By pulling international pupils the private sectors has gained, so the deficiency of quality in instruction In higher instruction the planetary market is around US $ 30billonThe pupils from Asia is 45 % by top beginning countryThere is demand in growing to Asiatic pupils for quality in education.The GDP growing per capita ( % ) in 2001-2006 is 2.4Public disbursement on instruction ( % GDP ) in 2001-2006 is 3.7The third school registration ( % gross ) in 2001-2006 is 29.8 There is an chances to international pupils to take other countries.In Singapore the international pupils from private establishment do n't hold chances that lowers the value educationThe authorities concerted selling of host states to pull international pupils ( eg: US section of province ) .Quality abroad establishment perceived here ( US, UH and Canada ) .Invention of more figure of IT companies The Singapore authorities is bettering their concern in instruction and there is a demand for quality in instruction. Many private establishments are pulverizing their sectors in instruction field with offering degree certifications valid equal to universe category instruction. Singapore is best for higher instruction in universe because more Numberss of new reaching of foreign private sectors so the quality of higher instruction going low. The Singapore authorities taking their higher instruction in measure mode. In June 2o1o the Singapore authorities MOE ( ministry of instruction ) announced an S $ 850million ( us $ 628 ) contract for the standard ict operating environment ( soe ) for all authorities and authorities aided schools The Raffless instruction corporation steped in Singapore in 1990 this corporation has achieved about 17 colleges transversally the Asia pacific- Singapore, Malaysia, India, Australia, China, hong kong, Mongolia and Thailand. In 2004 Raffless entered their concern direction instruction sectors with geting of Hartford, the Raffless made in two group of college trade names as RafflesDesign and Hartford institutes.the Raffless frequently concentrate in design classs besides this they offer diplomas and degrees.the grade certified by universities of engineering and middlesex university for Masterss also.The instruction market in Singapore is little incomparison to the regional market and it is of import for Raffless instruction corporation to develop its footmark in the part to take advantage of the turning demand for instruction in Singapore. Raffles instruction corporation has made their growing demand for instruction, they are the best private instruction organisation for y awards won by their pupils in international competitions in different classs in course of study activities.they are the one of developed instruction corporation in Singapore In 1993 the stansfeild school of concern had began with offering London university for external grade programmes it include the Singapore institute of commercialism at now.stansfield function in English programme to fit the pupils from the school with skilled English so the pupils can make their grade programme at Singapore institute of commerce.In Singapore 40 pupil from China are analyzing at the SIC.The stansfield is acquiring bigger in Asia at market degree.This group build up their concern schools in India, China and Vietnam this is because the pupils from Asia can easy travel between these different colleges.This establishment construction is strong and so the pupils can make their first twelvemonth in China, their 2nd in India and their 3rd in Singapore. This group needs to supply more than grade so add value by offering more abroad exposure the Asians Pacific pupils prefer Singapore for third instruction by this group. Like Singapore, our programmes are geared towards assisting kids who graduate from abroad kindergartens to be good prepared and confident when they enter into states formal school system. ‘The Crestar instruction group focal point on younger kids ‘s to different course of study activities. They are supplying the preschool instruction, infant attention and pupil betterment services. Besides this kinder land runs ELFA preschool and kid attention Centre. These three trade names, kinder land, ELFA and the Crestar larning all have overseas at now. The Crestar other preschool trade name is ELFA, which has quality for larning to all, the school speech patterns on skill footing of Chinese linguistic communication which set up in2000, this group are more than 20 Centre ‘s in China and Singapore. The Centre ‘s gives support to educational programmes such instructions like how to utilize abacus, painting or originative writing.107 Centre ‘s with half already based outside Singapore. ‘CEG ( Crestar Education Group ) ‘s strength lies in its capableness to offer assorted preschool instruction service in course of study development, teacher preparation, Centre operation, franching and auxiliary enrichment programmes ‘ The group has sustained the maximal growing degree to universe market. These three establishment are top most superior in universe category universities ( WCU ) .The WCU is a deferral Centre ‘s to put to death the universe category R & A ; D carry over cognition to industry and Chancellor of the Exchequer to educational hub. NUS ( National University Of Singapore ) and NTU ( Nan yang Technological University ) , the establishment is host and competitory universities in Singapore. These two universities made their landmark for quality instruction. These two universities attempts in instruction have made Singapore ‘s instruction system democratic in universe market. The NTU and NSU growing rate is ( CAGR ) 8.3 % over 2000-2009.The MOE adopts the instruction systems to these universities. The authorities has decided to allow NUS and NTU independently has a ability by integrating net income companies same to SMU is greater run.Both NTU and NUS is one of the best manner for passing public fund in a manner of efficient has bond for rule greater an swerability. NUS has been ranked 18th among 200 universities in world.NUS has renowned in technology and IT universities placed 9th in the study of module ranking, celebrated universities. They had 14 modules and schools offering taking classs foremost and higher grades. They are one of best establishment for the international pupils to prosecute their sheepskin and grades in Singapore NTU in 2004 by the economic expert intelligence unit they have rated best in the universe for MBA pupils by the member economic expert group ranking.NTU was among universe ‘s top 100 MBA schools, for portion clip.This is a all right establishment for making polytechnic and other diploma.NTU made their superior 9th topographic point out of 39 universities in scientific discipline and engineering schools overall all right MBA schools 2000 class in Asia. Four colleges and two autonomy establishment is organized by NTU the colleges provide undergraduate and station alumnus SMU ( Singapore direction universities ) is undertaken by the private owned establishment formed as a mixture with Wharton schools of concern in universities of Pennsylvania.The University has junctions for establishment and schools. The concern schools, station alumnuss and besides double degree classs with jurisprudence are the familiar to this establishment. The under alumnus and station alumnus are widely preferred by the pupils. The university constructing up their construction for pulling international pupils. The grade classs and the extracurricular activities paying every bit good instruction systems. The SMU is private establishment which is adopted by the MOE.The celebrated Edu Trust certification has being provided by these establishments. These made the quality instruction good in Singapore. .NTU, NSU and SMU has the argument formats for holding their ain ideas to be shared in the argument conference made by this group

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Analyse the Strategic position of IMAX Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Analyse the Strategic position of IMAX - Essay Example This paper aims to analyze the current situation of IMAX and present alternative solutions to their problems. The paper involves Porter’s five forces analysis of the movie production and distribution industry. The second part enumerates and evaluates the corporate strategies of the company which are focused differentiation and growth. It has been examined that the strategies employed by the company were effective in achieving their objectives. It is the recommendation of this paper that the company prepares itself to for acquisition. The company cannot survive on its own in the film industry as they face the issues on debt and sustainability. IMAX is an entertainment technology company that generates revenues from long-term theater system lease and maintenance agreements, film production and distribution, and theater operations. It is involved the different processes of large-format film business. The company has a movie library of 226 films that were either produced by IMAX or other independent filmmakers or studios. The company has generated total revenues close to $116 million by 2007. At the end of 2008, the market capitalization is $125 million with 295 theaters showing IMAX movies in 40 countries. (IMAX Corp, 2008) An industry analysis is completed in Section 2.1 where Porter’s five forces were employed. The analysis covers competition between industry rivals in the Motion Picture and Video Distribution market segment where IMAX generates its revenues and profit. The threat of new entrants is also scrutinized for the industry. Furthermore, the bargaining powers of suppliers as well as consumers are studied with regards to its effect on the company. The threats of substitutes are investigated which are considered as alternative and indirect competition of the business. Section 2.2 attempts an internal and external analysis of IMAX which is patterned on the SWOT analysis. The growth and success of the movie industry is the

Discussion--Political and Legal Environment Essay

Discussion--Political and Legal Environment - Essay Example A strong legal framework is necessary to protect the intellectual property of businesses. In places such as China companies are subject to theft of intellectual property due to piracy and counterfeit products. The political environment of a country is as important as the economic environment. It is hard for companies to negotiate incentives and governmental help in places were the governments do not have good relations with corporations. â€Å"The political environment is a key component of the business environment that dictates greatly on the success of your home business† (Bluntpolitics). The regulations of governments can impose barriers that increase the cost of doing business in a country. In the United States the tough environmental regulations are forcing companies in certain industries to leave the country in search for locations with more relax environmental regulations. Labor laws also influence the profitability of a company. Countries with low minimum wages are att ractive for companies that have labor intensive operations. The moral conduct of a country affects the operations of a corporation. In many parts of the world bribing a governmental official is part of doing business. I am completely opposed to bribing others. Bribes are an unethical event that should always be avoided at all costs. Whenever a company gives a bribe to another person or governmental official they will enter into an unpleasant arrangement that could backfire because the person that bribes them might continue to pressure the company for more money. The sub-Saharan African region is the place with the greatest incidence of bribery worldwide (Google). Companies must also protect their intellectual property whenever they are going business outside the United States. It takes a lot of money in research and development to create new products. In the pharmaceutical industry companies spend an average of $359 million to develop a new drug (Ca-biomed). I fully support

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Busness Writing Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Busness Writing - Assignment Example 3 Steps of Communication Planning The first stage when one has to consider when one intends to convey information using written communication is planning. This basically involves analyzing what one intends to communicate to others. This stage is subdivided into four phases (Thill &Bovee 82). Firstly, one has to come up with a statement of purpose where one examines the specific opportunity or problem thoroughly which he or she intends to communicate. This should be done in order to avoid wasting time on unnecessary information when communicating. The second phase of this step involves gathering information emphasizing on what the audience needs. Ones you establish these needs, only information that is relevant to the audience should be considered. The third phase involves selecting the medium in which one intends to convey the written information. One should consider various mediums instead of a specific one to ensure flexibility. Examples of mediums of conveying written communicatio n include published documents and reports among others. When selecting the medium or channel which one intends to use, factors to consider include, who the audience is, importance of the message, feedback required, and the cost incurred. Finally, the last phase of planning involves organizing information acquired in order for it to support your main ideas. Writing The second stage involves the primary composition of what one intends to communicate. The writer should sensitize on the audience’s needs making sure that they communicate in a non-biased, polite and clear way. One should begin by writing a draft copy of what they intend to communicate making sure that they organize their information into an introduction, body and a conclusion. Using strong words is beneficial since it ensures the information being conveyed is coherent and impactful because it ensures that their information is taken with a lot of seriousness. One should also control the tone of their communication t hroughout their communication with regard to the situation in which the written communication is being done. Revising The final step in written communication is revising and proofreading the draft copy converting it into the final message. When one is producing the final message, one needs to organize the information in the message in layouts and designs that are both attractive and effective. This ensures that the message has a both professional and a friendly look. However, one should be careful not to change the written communication from formal to informal since this is easily done by the use of wrong layouts and formats (Thill &Bovee 80). Comparison of the Advantages and Disadvantages of Oral and Written media Oral media is characterized by various advantages over written communication. In oral communication, feedback is spontaneous unlike in written communication where feedback takes quite some time. A good example is letters which quite long to be replied since it involves po st offices and messengers. Another advantage oral media has over written communication is time saving as it is fast and convenient unlike written communication which involves a long process. Oral media is advantageous since incorporates a personal touch helps in building a good working environment which can be beneficial to a business organization. Written media is characte

Monday, August 26, 2019

How the Field of Business Has Been Impacted by E-Commerce Research Paper

How the Field of Business Has Been Impacted by E-Commerce - Research Paper Example Specifically, technological power of the present age reflects in computer and internet. Internet has brought myriad of wonders with its evolution, one of which happens to be E-commerce. â€Å"E-commerce is a commercial activity dealing directly with the trading of goods and services and with other related business activities, in which the electronic communication medium plays a central role.† (Heng, 2003, p. 104). Such activities include but are not limited to the payment management, spread of information, transport management and negotiation of financial tools. E-commerce has increased the national output by 2.7 per cent (Heng, 2003, p. 109). In October 1999, Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum, the Crown Prince of Dubai declared emirate’s intention of developing a â€Å"Dubai Internet City† (Martin, 2000). The Internet commerce was expected to increase from 26 per cent to 46 per cent of the worldwide expenditure from 1998 to 2003 (O’Briant, 2000). ... Because of its ability to connect people spread all over the world to one another simultaneously, internet happens to be a blessing for the e-commerce because businesses can advertise and sell their services and products online. Also, e-commerce benefits the consumers as they are able to gain firm understanding of the quality of a particular service or product prior to purchase through online discussions at social media websites. This enables the consumers to spend wisely and purchase only high quality services and products. E-commerce was very much there even before the introduction of internet, but in slightly different form. When internet wasn’t there, companies used such private networks as the Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) in order to do business with other companies. Back then, e-commerce was in an immature state. Companies had to incur a lot of expenses in the installation and maintenance of their private networks. Internet eradicated all those additional expenses a nd e-commerce flourished and spread far and wide in a matter of days. In this way, internet provided business entrepreneurs with a means to maximize the profitability of their businesses and minimize the expenses. In addition to that, internet served as an excellent means of spread of knowledge. Even if companies do not pay a dime for the advertisement of their products, they can create awareness among the public about them through social media websites. Numerous examples can be cited to prove the impact of e-commerce on business in the contemporary age. Blockbuster did business in retailing and renting of video games and VHS tapes DVD. Their products and services were fundamentally meant to provide the

Sunday, August 25, 2019

Identify three accomplishments in your professional career and explain Essay - 1

Identify three accomplishments in your professional career and explain how they demonstrate your potential to become a successful manager - Essay Example This was mainly due to the lack of transparency between management and employees. My firm believes that an organization can reach its maximum potential if its members are allowed to honestly provide as well as accept constructive feedback as it makes the circumstances conducive for mutual growth. Following this belief, I took the risk of singlehandedly approaching the higher management and suggesting them to foster open communication where employees and the management could discuss the sales and marketing plans with each other as a team. Initially, my proposal met with disapproval and I was criticized for being a non-conformist. Nevertheless, the skepticism soon turned into acknowledgement with the implementation of the communication policy as per my suggestion. Management realized the benefits of having the company share future plans with the employees more responsively. Accordingly, it opened a new channel between the employees and the management. Later, I asked myself what had mad e me flow against the main stream. It dawned upon me that this incident was an outcome of the very character-building exercise that I was doing since childhood. That exercise encouraged me to rise and face such situations with integrity and perseverance. I was the leader on a project for a pharmaceutical client. We had to implement a SharePoint – InfoPath solution. As it was our first time with a pharmaceutical client, we just made sure that the estimates were objective and optimistic enough to win us the complete project. The actual design consumed considerably lesser time to be made than it does normally, though I strongly believe that if 80 per cent of the total time on a project is spent on designing and clarifying issues, development takes no more than 20 per cent of the time. I resolved to take added responsibilities in order to make sure

Saturday, August 24, 2019

Employee retention Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Employee retention - Term Paper Example When an employee leaves the organization, he along with him also takes the knowledge, company policies, and strategies along with him to the competitor. Moreover, selecting another candidate and aligning him to company culture add another cost to the organization. Although the problem of employee retention has been in existence since a long time, the problem is getting grimmer and serious with time. In this context, it is important for companies to retain their employees. This has led to an increased interest in research in the area of Employee Retention. Employee retention is the set of tools, processes and techniques that HR managers shall use to encourage employees to be in the organization for maximum amount of time. The main objective of employee retention processes is to reduce the voluntary turnover. It is important to note that these are not just a set of HR practices but it also requires an understanding of the psyche of the employees and their interrelationships with their subordinates and managers. This paper does a literature review of the various research papers that have been published in this area. The research focusing on reasons on voluntary turnover by employees has mainly pointed out two categories of reasons: family (personal) reasons or professional reasons. Often, employees leaving the organization leave it because they do not find a fit between the organizational goals and their own goals. One of the propositions on why employees leave is based on the fact that employees are having a psychological contract with the organization where each has a set of expected outcomes from the other party. If an employee feels that the organization is not fulfilling its duty in terms of what it owes to the employee, he is more likely to quit the job (Vos and Megank, 2007). Job dissatisfaction among an employee may be the result of job stress, repetitive work, ambiguous role or excessive workload. Economic factors such as pay, rewards, bonuses

Friday, August 23, 2019

Orangization Behavor- Phase 2 DB Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Orangization Behavor- Phase 2 DB - Essay Example The company is growing and to enable the company to cater to the different cultural markets, CSD will have to incorporate diversity and train the employees to be culturally sensitive about many issues. An organization can be viewed in many ways; it can be a machine, designed to be highly precise and organized, it can be an organism with a lifespan during which it grows, becomes weak and then dies, it can be an instrument of domination which is exploited by the wealthy and powerful. Thus organizations can be defined through metaphors, in itself it is complex and no single metaphor can define it completely. (Morgan, G, 1997). Within an organization there is a lot of communication taking place, information keeps flowing back and forth. Types of communication channels that are open to organization are formal and informal channels. Both of these channels have many techniques within them. In the formal channel there is upward and downward communication, and horizontal communication. In the informal channel, there is the grapevine and management by wandering around. Keeping in mind that the structure of the organization is a matrix structure, all types of formal communication should exist. Employees need to report to their supervisors with problems and feedback from the customers, while supervisors should share knowledge about the product to avoid problems such as selling the wrong widgets. Apart from this, since there has been a recent change in the structure, the department heads need to get together so that they can bring the organization together. The sales department is responsible for the sales and the customer services. They have only been concentrating on sales, it needs to be communicated to them that customer service is also a vital part of the company. Also to integrate diversity within the organization the department heads needs to cooperate so that all

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Cultural Experience Essay Example for Free

Cultural Experience Essay A friend of mine is a close friend of an Indian family who lives in the same general area that my friend and I live in. My friend told Mrs. Suayna Patel about my assignment and we were both invited over to dinner at her and Mr. Rajesh Patel’s house for Saturday dinner. My friend and I were warmly invited into their two-story really large tan blockhouse. It is actually located just yards from a hotel they own called â€Å"Passport Inn. † They also occupy the two closest/adjoining rooms to the hotel’s lobby designed as a more modest second home they live out of when there are working as the hotel clerks. Their house was very elegantly decorated in a way with an obvious female touch. It had an incense smell to it, but enjoyable, not over-powering. I was initially invited into what I believe was their living room. The house had quite a few rooms downstairs so I’m not positive it was their living room. I think all of the family’s bedrooms were located on the second floor. Mrs. Suayna Patel invited me to sit on a sofa and then she proceeded to sit down on the other end. She was very soft-spoken and I really didn’t understand everything she said. She introduced me to her husband Rajesh. Rajesh, on the other hand, almost spoke as if he were a native of the U. S. although they both came here in 1997 after his uncle purchased two hotels. Their children, nine-year old son Siva and a twelve-year old daughter, Sanirika were born in the U. S. They pretty much acted like American children but possibly with more manners. I’m only stating this because we were to keenly observe things, but both children were over-weight probably like the majority of their American peers. The only communication barriers I had or I should say we had, was between Suayna and myself. Sometimes we didn’t understand one another but my friend would subtly and courteously intervene and help. They gradually lessened but her husband was quite a bit more extraverted than she was, so he talked to us while Suayna finished cooking the dinner. Suayna was definitely more passive and mild-mannered than the typical American woman and Mr. And Mrs. Patel did assume what we refer to as traditional male and female roles, although my American parents do also. I talked with the children because they were in the room. They had very little Indian accent and were more than willing to answer questions and talk to me. They were the most extraverted and talkative members of their family, possibly partially due to that they were raised here and have no communication differences from Americans. Suayna invited my friend and I to the table and had us sit down first and then the rest of the family sat down with Rajesh being the last one to be seated. I followed their lead at the table because I didn’t want to talk much at the table if it wasn’t something that was acceptable. However, they made me comfortable and just talked like any American family at the dinner table. Suayna served the best Chicken Curry with Rice, Naan bread (Dsouza, 2006), and lentil dish I have ever eaten in my life, by the way. I do think their family was more polite between one another and in talking with me than a typical American family. It could have been because of their company but I don’t think so. This isn’t always untypical of American families but I did notice Rajesh didn’t help out with the making of dinner. He did, however assist in removing the dinnerware and utensils from the table after dinner while neither of them allowed the company to help with the work. Unlike most families of my culture, I guess part of their behavioral language could be that they didn’t seem like had felt a need to occupy every second with words. There was no usage of divergence speaking or emotive language. I feel this is at least partly due to that they didn’t speak at all in a â€Å"self-important† manner whatsoever—even the children, at least while I was there. There was no usage of gestures when talking and there was no creativity or sense of humor in their conversation. They did use relative words when they were telling us why it was easier for them to visit their relatives in India then for their relatives to visit them in America. Overall, their language was cordial and to the point. They spoke pretty succinctly without being verbose. In fact, Mr. And Mrs. Patel spoke slower and less often than the families and friends I typically would eat with. It actually felt pretty peaceful. The children spoke a little more but they never spoke loudly at the table. As far as what I learned about the culture, because this was just one Indian-American family, I can’t make too many generalizations but I do feel they relate to one another in a quieter, probably a more gentle and peaceful manner than a typical American family. Their overall home and family had a more peaceful feel to it. It was a pleasant experience of India. Source Used Dsouza, Z. (2006). Veda: the essential Indian cookbook. Baltimore [Md. ]: PublishAmerica.

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Critical Appraisal Report Essay Example for Free

Critical Appraisal Report Essay 1. INTRODUTION This report will cover logistics and RD section from the simulation, where I will be stating theories of logistics, and logistic transportation concepts, and analyzing my understanding for research and development. I will be stating out my decision for logistics and RD section in the simulation as well, and point out the reasons why I have made the decisions. 2. CONSIDERATION OF RELEVANT THEORIES CONCEPT 2.1 Logistics: According to Grund Vartdal, logistics is â€Å"the process of planning, implementing and controlling the efficient, cost effective flow and storage of raw materials, in-process inventory, finished goods, services and related information from point of origin to point of consumption for the purpose of conforming to customer Requirements’ Council of Logistics Management† (Grund Vartdal, 2000). It is a part of value chain activity, planed, implemented and controlled in order to meet customers’ needs for goods, services and related information, it is a combination of transport, storage, handling, packaging, distribution processing, distribution, information processing and other basic functions. Logistic Management has four major characters, firstly, to achieve customer satisfaction as the first target, secondly, optimize the enterprise as a whole as the purpose, thirdly, information-centric, fourthly, value efficiency and effectiveness. 2.2 Logistics and Transportation: There are several classifications for logistics and transportation. Road transport: Mainly use gas trucks and other vehicles, road transport is responsible for close and small quantities of cargo, also where water transport and rail transport difficult to play their advantages. Road transport has several advantages such as strong flexibility, road construction period is short, low investment, easy to fit in local conditions and less demanding for facilities stations. It is also able to take the door-to-door transport form, without having to transfer or repeat loading and unloading. Rail transport: Mainly responsible for long-distance, large amounts of cargo, where it has no water transport conditions in the region, almost all bulk goods are rely on the railway transport. It has several advantages such as fast speed, not limited by natural conditions, large carrying capacity and low transport cost, though it is inflexible and can only be achieved in the fixed line transport, need other means of transports’ cooperation and convergence. Water transport: Mainly bearing torque, long-distance transport in river and costal sea. There are costal transport generally use in small vessels, offshore transport depending on medium-sized and small-sized vessels, ocean transport in use of large volume of large vessels, and inland waterway transport. Water transport is able to transport forhigh-volume, long-distance and low-cost, though it has obvious drawbacks such as influenced by port, water level, season and climate. Air transport: Mainly in use of aircrafts for high value, and has the affordability of a strong freight goods such as expensive equipments, spare parts, high-end products, etc., also, some urgent need materials due to its high cost. Its main advantages are fastest speed, do not have terrain restrictions, where rail or cars cannot reach, it can rely on air transport, hence it is significance. Pipeline transport: Mainly in use for gas, liquid and powered solids. 2.3 Research and Development According to OECD factbook, RD refers to â€Å"creative work undertaken on a systematic basis in order to increase the stock of knowledge, including knowledge of man, culture and society, and the use of this stock of knowledge to devise new application.† (OECD factbook, 2008). It reflects the technological strength and core competitiveness. A country’s RD level reflects its political and economical strengths, an enterprise’s RD level reflects its competitiveness. Research and development is the process of innovation into mold. Product innovation and technological innovation are the core of innovation, a company’s research and development generally refers to product development and technology research and development. RD and technology development are closely related. Emerging technologies can always bring new products, RD tend to correspond to the product or focus on product innovation, and new product ideas need new technologi es to achieve, they have very close relationship. 3. INDIVIDUAL ACTIVITY DISCUSSION AND REFLECTION This round for in-house development is 21,360K USD for Tech 1, and 21,362 for Tech 2, where money needed for new features are 71,240K USD for Tech 1, and 71,243K USD for Tech 2. As there are several plants in Asia and Europe, there will be one addition feature for Tech 1, and three addition features for Tech 2. The priorities from USA are Asia coming after Europe coming after USA, the priorities from Asia is USA coming after Europe coming after China as the civil war in Olistan has brought up the oil price, thus the logistic transportation would cost more, whereas the transportation cost is 29 USD/unit from USA to Asia and from Asia to USA, 13 USD/unit from USA/Europe, and 9 USD/unit from Asia to Europe. The in-house and contract manufacturing in USA are 5,082K USD for Tech 1 and 3,863K USD for Tech 2, while the in-house and contract manufacturing in Asia are 550K USD for Tech 1 and 1,245K USD for Tech 2, where they both allocated full capacity. For USA market, there are 1,392K units manufactured in USA for Tech 1 and 1,026K units for Tech 2. For Asian market, there are 1980K units manucatured in USA for Tech 1 and 615K units for Tech 2, 550K units manufactured in Asia for Tech 1 and 1,245K untis for Tech 2. For Europe market, there are 1,709K units manufactured in USA for Tech 1 and 2,222K units for Tech 2. Moreover, the average logistics per sold product is 16.9 USD in Asia, and 13.1 USD in Europe. According to the logistics theory, it suggests that if the products run out of supply, we will need to transfer the products to those regions where have higher profit. In this case for Round 3, oil price goes up, so we have decided to have Europe as the interlink station prior than Asia. 4. CONCLUSION To sum up, our group has gained 17.44% market share for this round, in order to achieve more market share, and gaining more shareholder return, we will need to focus more on the strategies selected in order to plan and implement more effectively. There are a lot we will need to improve in future rounds. 5. REFERENCE Cesim simulation Market Conditions [online] Available from [7th Aug 2011] What is Logistics, available from CULC Managing International Trade Unit 7 Knowledgecast page 5. Research Development [online] Available from [8th Aug 2011]

Dietary Requirements: Nutritional Restrictions

Dietary Requirements: Nutritional Restrictions Clear and effective communication between partners is central to working with children and young people, it allows partners to put the needs and requirements of the children first enabling them to achieve the best possible outcomes for the children and their family. Good communication between partners allows trust to be built between everyone and enables everybody concerned to share their views and have them considered and valued. Having clear and effective communication between partners helps with the collection and sharing of relevant information between all parties involved regarding the child, which may also contain sensitive information. Clear and effective communication also ensures that everyone is working towards the same aims helping to prevent any misunderstandings between partners, with one of the aims being working together to meet the emotional, health and educational needs of the children. It will also help with the process of collecting and maintaining information/reco rds about the children providing an understanding of the childrens needs and requirements which then allows partners to provide the correct activities for individual children and maintain a safe learning environment for the children and young people. Regarding the importance of effective communication between parents/carers, clear and effective communication encourages the parent, carer or legal guardian to seek advice when needed and to use services provided which is the key to establishing and maintaining working relationships. Clear lines of communication also allow the parent/carer to discuss issues more freely and resolve problems with ease between partners if they feel there is foundation of trust built and good communication. The policies and procedures in the work setting for information sharing are as follows, Information regarding the children must remain confidential Information must be stored/recorded as stated (Data Protection Act 1998) Confidentiality Respecting Confidentiality Establishments storing records on a PC must be registered on the Data Protection Register The Data Protection Act 1998 gives individuals the rights to view all information stored regarding themselves. Staff must be familiar and conform to the guidelines Confidential matters should not be discussed with colleagues unless necessary Information regarding the children, establishment and staff should not be shared with third parties unless it regards to safeguarding Confidential information must be handled with care stored securely Never leave sensitive paperwork/files unattended or where individuals who do not need to know will have access to them All records must be stored safely and password protected ensuring restricted access only Confidentiality within a setting is vital; breach of confidentiality is only acceptable when it is on a need-to-know basis. For example particular personal information may have to be shared with members of staff that specialize and deal with a childs health, welfare or well being. Working within this type of environment means particular information has to be gathered and recorded regarding the children and stored securely, this information includes: Names Addresses Contact Numbers Medical History Records Dietary Requirements/Nutritional Restrictions Family Changes Progress Reports Childs GP Dentist Details Emergency Contact Details Special Educational Needs SEN Sharing any of the above information is in fact a breach of confidentiality and should only be shared on a need-to-know basis, breaching confidentiality can cause great upset for a lot of individuals, loose trust and cause damage to working relationships. Breaching confidentiality within a childcare setting should only be done so in extreme circumstances, for example bullying, suspected child abuse and a medical emergency concerning the child. Within a childcare setting there is a responsibility to ensure that all information/records are correct, kept up to date and confidential, following the settings policies and guidelines and passed onto relevant staff members only. Information and details provided by the parents/carers is given in trust and concerns the child and their family. This information should only be shared between individuals who are directly involved with the child, for example a named carer or member of staff who works directly with the child. As a practitioner you may find yourself in a position where you want or need to share information but have been asked not to disclose any information. It may even be due to a matter of safeguarding a child within your care who you feel is at risk, putting you in a difficult position where you must break the confidence discussing it with your line manager. When you are in the position of having to share information and maintain confidentiality, conflicts or dilemmas may surface. For example you may find yourself being given confidential information by a parent who has trusted and confided in you as a practitioner discussing with you personal family issues, providing you with information regarding her husband leaving her and filing for divorce resulting in her feeling that she cannot manage and is also struggling to manage but requests that no one else is to be told this information. But as a practitioner being given this type of information gives an automatic concern for the child or young persons welfare. This then may result in causing conflict or dilemma because you were placed in a position of trust and confidentiality by the parent who confided in you and specifically asked you not to tell anyone else but you are also in a position where you must consider the welfare of the child or young person and speak to your line manager, the manager has to know this information in order to care for the child effectively bearing in mind the Children Act 1989 The w elfare of the child is paramount. But it is important that the parent(s) is informed that you are going to tell your line manager this information. Conflicts or dilemmas may also arise if a concern has been made about a child by for example a practitioner, key worker or manager directly to the childs parents. The parents may in fact feel there is no reason for concern or that there is nothing wrong and therefore request that there is no further action to be taken or required and that no confidential information is to be shared with any other outside agencies. Putting the person with concern in a difficult position as this concern regards the welfare of the child or young person involved. You may also find conflicts or dilemmas arising in relation to sharing information with partners and maintaining confidentiality in situations such as having concerns regarding a childs welfare because for example you have observed frequent bruising and the child is now refusing to get changed for P.E and appears nervous and jumpy. You want to share this information but it would be inappropriate to ask permission from the childs parents as this could possibly put the child at further risk of harm. Finding yourself in a very difficult position where you want to share information with a senior member of staff e.g. Line Manager or possibly with outside agencies. It is important to record information clearly, accurately, legibly and concisely, meeting legal requirements to ensure any decisions or actions that have been put into place for a child or young person are not forgotten or lost and to ensure that written records are not misspelt, are containing incomplete sentences and long confusing paragraphs making it more time consuming for an individual to find the information they are want. This also allows everyone involved regarding a child or young person to receive the most accurate and up to date information and records when required and will enable individuals to refer back to the information for future reference and for the monitoring of children and young peoples behaviour patterns, giving an insight on whether the childs behaviour has improved or gotten worse over time. It will also prevent any misunderstandings with any future reference at a later date and prevent any complications reading back on the written records. It is also impor tant because all written records need to be up to date, dated and signed to meet the legal requirements of the Data Protection Act 1998. All settings handling personal and sensitive information/records have a number of legal obligations to protect this information under the Data Protection Act 1998. Information must also be recorded clearly, accurately, legibly and concisely, meeting legal requirements for self protection reasons to ensure that there is documented evidence in the case of something happening, which will abide by the procedures and policies put in place within your setting. Communications and records are recorded and securely stored meeting data protection requirements by carefully carrying out the following: All written records must be stored carefully All records must be adequate, sufficient and relevant Paper records should be kept stored in a locked filing cabinet Electronic records must be (password protected) Invoices, bills and money details are to be stored in locked files (password protected) on the computer. Personal details about each child are to be kept within locked files and password protected documents on the computer. All records must be maintained, kept up to date and accurate Records and recording must comply with the Data Protection Act 1998 Personal information must be kept securely only used for the purposes it was originally stated for. Records must be kept safe and secure away from any unauthorized access. Within the setting the following actions are taken to record and store information securely meeting data protection requirements Invoices, bills, money details Are stored in locked files (password protected) on the computer which are only accessible to the manager. Outside agencies If there has been a meeting of any kind with an outside agency regarding a child or young person within the setting a detailed and clear report must be typed up and a copy of the report distributed to only the relevant concerning parties involved with the child or young person. Personal details about each child Each child within the setting has their own individual file containing personal and sensitive information from things such as letters to parents/carers to special dietary requirements. These files are securely locked away within a filing cabinet where they must be kept and used only for the purposes originally stated. They are not to be shared with anyone other than the parents unless they have given permission to do so. Child protection records When making a child protection record an appropriate form is to be completed recording the concerns. The written record should consist of relevant details and accurate information. These sensitive records are then locked away and strictly controlled where only limited staff can have access, they are not to be kept on file for any longer than a 6 year period. Child development records Child development records are made by observing a child or young person on a daily basis and filling out an observation form and keeping a daily diary sometimes including photographs. These records are only shared with the childs family and contain sensitive confidential information which is then kept stored individually and securely. All young children within a setting have their development monitored and recorded on day-to-day basis but if a member of staff believes there is reason for concern or a parent/carer shares concerns regarding their childs development a meeting will be arranged where the concerns can be shared, the childs development record reviewed and where information can be gathered on the childs home life. If the conclusion is that the child in fact requires additional help and support with their development then the manager within the setting will complete the appropriate forms, which will then be sent to the corresponding agency(s) that will make contact with the parents/carers. For example a child who has been assessed as having a speech impediment would be referred to a speech and language team/therapist that will then assess the child and establish a programme that would then be put in place for them which would then be implemented by the teachers and TAs within a school setting. They may als o arrange one to one sessions for the child with the consent of the parents/carers and will assess the child to help recognize the cause of the speech problem or delay. Referrals are made to ensure that a child or young person is receiving the best possible outcome and start in life. Referrals are usually made by practitioners who observe and make recordings of the childs development and may pick up on any additional support needed, problems or difficulties the child may be experiencing. It is important to indentify a child or young persons needs as early as possible to ensure that the childs needs are assessed quickly and that they are referred to the appropriate setting or agency. Referrals are made for many different reasons such as concerns regarding a childs safety and welfare or well being etc. When a referral is required for a child who is in need it should ideally be accompanied by the consent of the childs parents/carers. If a child or young person is suffering significant harm or abuse then social services will be involved in their case, in some cases depending on the severity of the harm the police may be involved. Other children may suffer from different problems such as emotional and/or learning difficulties. For example a child who has been assessed as having separation anxiety and sensory issues may be referred to CAMHS where they will under go different investigations and have an occupational therapy assessment and may be seen by a child psychologist. Or a child may be displaying signs of behaviour problems and thought to be displaying signs and symptoms of ADHD such as inattention during class time. And therefore may be referred for an ADHD asse ssment after under going a CAF assessment. They may then be referred to a hospital and consultant where further testing may take place to find out the outcome. When a child is thought to be in need of additional help or support then a common framework is put into place known as CAF, CAF firstly provides a checklist to ensure that the childs needs are being met and are up to the standard requirements. If the childs needs meet the CAF standards required according to the checklist then a meeting would be held where the childs needs would be accessed and possible support would be discussed within the group, giving the practitioner the opportunity to share their assessments, plans and recommendations for support. It is important to provide a precise, accurate and factual view on the childs specific needs and requirements including both their strengths and weaknesses. A decision should then be made after the meeting on whether further support is required and a CAF may only then be completed once you have made an agreement with your manager and the childs parents/carers on whether the child requires additional help and support which is not provide d within the setting. During the CAF procedure the agreement will contain permission to share the findings of the CAF assessment with other agencies as sometimes outside agencies may need to be brought into the equation for the benefit of the child and their needs. You must have the parents permission for the competition of the CAF process when it is concerning a child and they should be kept well informed but a young person is required to give permission themselves. On competition of the assessment a plan must be built addressing the childs needs, this should consist of short and achievable goals for the child and should include how these targets can be achieved. Plans must be reviewed and updated on a regular occurrence and referrals must involve the parents/carers and a senior member of staff.